Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Anne Frank
Act 1, Scene 1-4
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Drama:Anne Frank The Play
Plays need actors. Actors are people that give the play life as they read off the script. A script contains the dialogue between the characters. They perform this script in front of an audience on stage.
Costumes are very important in a play because it helps the audience distinguish the characters personality, what century it takes place and the climate of the setting it takes place. This is the reason why many plays have costume designers for the actors. Costume designers either make the costumes or design the way they want the costume to look. For example a play that takes place in space will have the actors dressed as astronauts, aliens, etc. They also need a stage light director to conduct the scene. Either to focus on the actor that is speaking or to just gets the audience attention.
A director is important in a play because they give stage directions to the actors. Stage directions contain the way the writer of the script wanted the actor to show the characters emotions and the stages setting and things like that.