Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anne Frank

Anne Frank is a Jewish thirteen year old girl. She was born in Germany on twenty of June, 1929. Since her family is Jewish they immigrate to Holland when Hitler came to power. Anne has an older sister named Margot. She has to be in hiding because she is Jewish. She wrote a diary about her experiences about World War 2. Anne is involved in the play, because she wrote the diary about her experiences about the war and she was hiding from the Nazi. Her relationship with her mother is awkward, because she feels like her mother doesn't understand her. She tries to tell her, her problems and she thinks she is over reacting. Her relationship between her father is that she loves him more than her mother. She prefer him more, like when she had the bad dream. Her mother came and Anne wanted her Father. When she tried to kiss Anne, Anne moved away. Her relationship between her and Mr. Van Daan is that she  
annoys him. She tries to act all smart with him and he tells her to be quiet, she does the opposite. Her relationship between Peter is kinda awkward, because sometimes Anne gets on Peter's nerve. She acts so immature with, like wrestling in the floor with him. Also when he told her to feed his cat and to leave his room after she fed him. She went and fed the cat and started to wear his clothes. The line that I chose, that i thought it was important was " We have nothing in common. She doesn't understand me. Whenever i try to explain my views on life to her she ask me if I'm constipated" I chose this line, because Anne is describing how her mom doesn't understand her.

Act 1, Scene 1-4

Scene 1:
Meip gives Mr.Frank Anne's Diary. Mr. franks opens it and reads the first line. Realizes that what he read was Anne's experience on the War. Also Anne's experience in hiding. He starts remembering about the war. Meip tells him to burn the letters and the notes.                                                        
  Mr.Frank refuses it and he begins to read her diary.

Scene 2:

Mr. Franks family goes to a hiding spot and they meet Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan's family. Mr.Kraler arrives and gives Them ration books. They thank him and he leaves. Later Anne meets Peter. Whom is a sixteen year old boy. Anne tries to talk to him, but he get's annoyed by her. Anne finds out that Peter owns a cat. She wanted to pet him but Peter doesn't let her to pet him, because he said that his cat doesn't like strangers. They start messing w/ each other and Anne gets in trouble.

Scene 3: 
After waiting a long time in hiding the family looks at Mr. Frank to give them the signal. When he gives them the signal Anne screamed Wee! While they all gather for dinner, Peter starts calling Anne a Quack Quack. Anne got annoyed and starts annoying peter too. Later Anne's starts acting like a smart ass by saying everything they ate was beans. Later Anne starts getting on Mr. Van Daan's last nerve. Mrs. Van Daan starts flirting with Mr. Frank and she kissed him on the lips.

Scene 4

Anne gets a bad dream and begins to scream. Dussel goes to her room and try's to hush her down. Then Mrs. Frank came and woke her up. Anne told her that she wanted father to come. Her mother told OK and tried to give her a kiss. Anne moves and doesn't let her mother to kiss her. When Mr. Frank came to talk to Anne, Anne told him that he was the only one that she loves. He told her that she should love him and her mother. Anne explained him on how that her mother doest get her.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drama:Anne Frank The Play

When people say the word drama I think of fights and emotions. But the kind of drama that I'm about to tell you is Drama Literature. Drama Literature is a kind of play. A play is about a movie or even about a book. The reason why people create plays are to amuse and entertain people of different ages.


Plays need actors. Actors are people that give the play life as they read off the script. A script contains the dialogue between the characters. They perform this script in front of an audience on stage.


         Costumes are very important in a play because it helps the audience distinguish the characters personality, what century it takes place and the climate of the setting it takes place. This is the reason why many plays have costume designers for the actors. Costume designers either make the costumes or design the way they want the costume to look. For example a play that takes place in space will have the actors dressed as astronauts, aliens, etc. They also need a stage light director to conduct the scene. Either to focus on the actor that is speaking or to just gets the audience attention.


         A director is important in a play because they give stage directions to the actors. Stage directions contain the way the writer of the script wanted the actor to show the characters emotions and the stages setting and things like that.